

When committing to temporary contracts knowing that you’ll be paid accurately and on time is always a key concern. Our high standards and commitment to accuracy ensures that your assignment and experience with DCS Logisitcs is always a positive one. We pride ourselves on providing a friendly and professional approach with flexibility and contractor support at the forefront of the service we provide.


Our payroll team and its service providers are industry recognised and committed to producing accurate and compliant payments. They pride themselves on being reliable, consistent and efficient. To enable us to pay you or your company on time, please observe the requirements below.


Timesheets: Must be received no later than 10.00am each Wednesday. Your timesheet should always state your full name, the client you have provided your services to and also the relevant week ending date. It should show the hours you have worked, and should include a client signature as authorisation. Prior to first payments being made please ensure that you sign and return all contract documentation including a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation, your VAT certificate (if applicable) and your limited company bank details.

Client Services

DCS Logistics is one of the UK’s leading outsourced workforce providers, our delivery model and service levels are unrivalled.

Candidate Services

At DCS Logistics we take the time to listen, consult and more importantly deliver the support you need to advance your career.

Contact Us

To speak to our dedicated team, please don’t hesitate to contact us or call 0161 212 2308.